Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I swear there really is no better job than being a mom. I love it so much and love each and everyone of my kids. It makes me so happy to watch them grow into their own little individuals. I love cherishing these moments cause one day they will be grown up and on their own and not needing me for every little thing.

I think this explains it all

What is Right

I can hear the children
laughing in the other room.

My two girls and my boy.

They are happy voices and
I struggle not to think about
the mess they're making.

How technical this
homemaking can be, if I let it.

Cleaning, straightening, laundry, cooking.
Everything must be just so.

But the babies, my sweet babies.
Their big brown eyes, their Father's eyes,
Soft, chubby hands and sweet sloppy kisses.

If I must struggle to remember something,
let it be what is right.

(c) 1998 Shelly W. All Rights Reserved