Tuesday, September 1, 2009

School has started back up!

Well this year both the girls are off to school. WOOT for me! Ivory is a big 2nd grader and Sara is in Kindergarten and she got into the FULL DAY class which is awesome! They started Aug 24th and are loving it. It has been interesting just being me and Bradley home during the day but I think we have finally gotten into a routine that works for us. Just think in 5 years they will all be in school!

Vacation Trip Pictures!

Just a few of the pictures from vacation. As you can tell we had a lot of fun!

Month of Aug

Here it is the beginning of September and I notice that I have not written anything for August and man has it been a busy month. We took our first vacation in a while and drove to California to visit with family and friends. Kids had a blast and even Bradley did well on the trip. To the left is a picture of Ali and the girls in the Big Cheese!

It was so nice to get to spend time with Josh's mom and sisters. As well as Grandpa Johnston and Mary Kay and all her kids. Of course we loved spending time with Moe and able to stay in her awesome new place!

Will add more pictures soon!