Wednesday, January 13, 2010

One of those moments!

I have to say that today was one of those moments that make me feel so proud to be a mom. Ivory came home from school today and I do my normal routine. What do you have for homework, any papers for me, and so on. She gets out her homework and goes, oh yeah I got awards today.

She got two different awards. One was the Principal's Award for getting Straight A's!!! Other was Academic Excellence SuccessMaker Math Award for working 2 grade levels above her current grade!

I am just so proud of her and what she has gotten today. I was a little upset the school didn't send out saying there was awards today. I so would have been there to take pictures and show my support. She was the only kid in her class to get 2 awards, and only to get the math award.

In April she is being tested for the gifted class. She currently reads 4 grades above her current grade.

These are the moments that make you so proud to be a mom!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The New Year

Well we are now officially in 2010! I know this year will be so much better than the last.
Bradley is getting so close to being ready to walk. He is pulling himself up on everything and trying to walk the furniture.

Ivory is doing awesome. She met all her reading goals and is getting a free fun day at school. We should have her report card here in the next couple days.

Sara is doing great with her school work. We just did a huge butterfly lesson and she loved it. She can name all the cycles of a butterflies life by the scientific terms.

Josh is working hard as always. He does such a great and amazing job taking care of us. I know at times he doesn't feel appreciated but he so is. He turned 29 yesterday! He said he feels old!

I just got a job and will start working evening this weekend. It will be nice to actually get out of the house for a bit and learn the city. Great thing about my job is I will be at different sites and its always something new so that is GREAT! I have also started working out and you can read about my goals and success here

We shall keep you all posted!

Love ya

The Moores