Friday, March 6, 2009

35w Checkup!

Well the weeks are starting to be counting down. Currently 35w so just 3-5weeks to go! For the most part this doctor visit was different than any of my others. Check the size of the belly and everything is measuring up perfectly. Baby's heartbeat is great and Sara loves the fact she gets to turn the device on and off for doctor Johnson. Only thing different this appointment is my blood pressure was up and a concern. I was under no stress or anything this morning and I was pushing 136/87. Doctor now has be checking my blood pressure every other day and if it gets over 140 on the top or 90 on the bottom I have to call him right away. This of course explains all my light headiness and dizziness. Granted I don't like the possibility that I could end up with Pre-eclampsia. Dr. Johnson already told me that if my blood pressure gets to high and we can't control it we might have to have Bradley early. Granted I am 35w so I am sure Bradley will be fine, I just was hoping to keep my good pregnancy without any major complications. I am now told to stay stress free (yeah right with a hubby and two kids) and relax a lot (yeah that isn't going to happen either).

Otherwise everything else is going fine. Kids are getting very excited about the new coming baby. Sara asks me almost every day is it time yet, I want to see my brother. Ivory has been a big helper with helping put away the baby clothes, and getting the bassinet ready. She is such a great big sister. Josh is even starting to get a bit excite and over protective. I cough wrong or grown for any reason he is asking what is wrong. You would think we haven't been through this before. Maybe cause he is finally getting his boy. Either way I love him being protective.

Well that is it for now keep you all posted!