Wednesday, April 1, 2009

38wks 3days

I feel like this pregnancy is really starting to take a toll on me. Not only to I seem really crabby lately I have a hard time not jumping at everyone. I have been having contractions for over a week with barley and progress. I am at the point that I can't even tell if its false labor or real labor. Doctor told me to not be discourage or stop coming to L/D because I get sent home. I hate being at the hospital more than I have to let alone go home when I am having contractions 3 mins apart. This is what happen to me on Sunday. Went in at 11am with contractions about 4-5 mins apart was at a 2cm than walked a bit and got to a 3cm than stayed that way from the rest of the time I was there no matter what we tried. So at midnight I go home still having these contractions with no progress, tired as hell, and hurting.
Now its Wednesday, and back in the same boat except this time I don't want to go in and get check out to be just sent home. I am tired, cranky, and not in the mood to deal with nurses. Plus Josh has already missed so much work I don't want him to miss anymore.
You think I be use to this with 2 other kids but never have I gone through this at all. I just went in and had them not 20 million trips or false alarms.
Grrrr..... when is enough, enough!