Monday, October 26, 2009

New Home

We have started to settle into our new life here in Oklahoma. Ivory is attending public school. Do to the schools being so full here they have to transfer her to a different school. She doesn't mind her school. She is still getting to know everything. As figured she is testing high for all subjects in a the class. Sara is being home schooled. I choose this because I don't see why I should send her to school for 2 hours. She is use to a 7 hour day and so far loves the at home deal. Both girls are in Girl Scouts and are loving it.
Josh is back and work. The building is so different. There is building A and B and they are 3 stories high! The building really is amazing! kids get to check it out Thursday when we go to the fall festival there.
As for me I am dealing. It is so hard being away from my whole family. I have no one here and it just sucks. Hopefully it will get better!